Thursday 8 March 2018

Singin In The Rain.

Scene 1 - You were meant for me

The characters costumes used in this scene blend in well with the backdrop, however Don's clothes are much bolder. Don is dressed in full white while Cathy is dressed in a purple dress, which could represent calmness. The location is a film set possibly in a warehouse. The setting has been chosen as it is a natural place the characters would feel comfortable in. Some aspects such as the sky background give the impression that they are somewhere else, though the setting is not real. The sound in this scene is both diegetic and non diegetic as it includes them talking, but also has had the music added in the background. The props in this scene are made to make the fake location they are in seem normal. The fan is there to act as wind and smoke is added for effect. The ladder makes Cathy seem more powerful also, she climbs on it as she feels comfortable there, Don will always be lower than her on the ladder. It can also be noticed how they place their heart on the ladder which shows their feelings for each other. The length of shots is quite long in this scene, especially when the two of them are singing together. The camera angle is mostly positioned so that the whole of both the characters is in the shot. The camera angle is taken as if it were from an audience looking over at the stage.

Scene 2 - Good Morning

The costumes in this scene are old fashioned, they include the shirt and tie while Cathy is wearing a dress. Later on in the scene they each put on yellow rain coats. In this scene the location is set in a basic home, this scene is also set at night time. The props in this scene are mainly the regular household items to help fit in with the scene. The sound in this scene is both diegetic and non diegetic as it includes them talking, but also has had the music added in the background. The length of shots is long in this scene as the camera is following the characters movements. This is not seen when the characters are not singing, which shows that the length of the shot keeps the viewers attention on them singing.
Scene 3 - Final Scene
In this scene the characters are in smart outfits and fancy dresses. This is as they are attending the formal event of their film being shown to the public for the first time. The whole of the scene is well lit, there is not really any distinction between some darker areas and lighter areas. Towards the end of the scene, we see the camera zooming out on the films poster, with Don and Cathy stood together. Don is wearing a blue vest and grey trousers and Cathy is wearing a blue dress. The location of this scene is in the theatre. The sound here is diegetic as it is originating from the characters talking. Many camera shots in this scene are taken from the view of the audience. When the characters are speaking, the camera is concentrated on their faces to concentrate on emotions. The camera will sometimes follow the characters along the screen.

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